24 Day Cleanse Kit

24 Day Cleanse Kit

24 Day Cleanse Kit

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Technical Details : 24 Day Cleanse Kit

  • For FAQ and concerns, or just to get a better feel of the product, to become a distributer, visit https://www.advocare.com/120212679/ContactMember.aspx
  • Spark replaces any energy drinks or sodas you used to crave, giving you the energy you need to get through the day!
  • Your choice of Max C+ (appetite control), Max E+ (energy), or Max 3 - for weight management, appetite control and overall wellness.
  • A meal replacement shake that works! Vanilla, Chocolate, or Berry. Keeps you full for hours.
  • Herbal Cleanse-Citrus: helps to cleanse and detoxify your body.


24 Day Cleanse Kit

Product Description

New flavor chocolate mocha now available